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Urząd Miejski
w Zawierciu


Sport and recreation

Sport and recreation

Sports and Recreation Centre has got great experiences in the scope of physical culture dissemination, both in record-seeking sport and mass one.
Sports and Recreation Centre is the place where sports, recreation and cultural mass ventures take place. Every year it organises such ventures as: Hall Polish Championships of Oldboys in football, International Polish Championship in Cyclotrial-March, kick-boxing fights and All-Polish Competition in table tennis and tennis. In 2002 it organised Polish Teenagers Championships of Men and Women in box and Classificatory Contest of Men and Women Cadets in table tennis. On that sports hall were played hall matches of women's representatives (e.g. Brazil, China, Switzerland, Italy, Germany) and men's in volleyball as well as show volleyball matches of best Polish teams: AZS Galaxia Częstochowa, Ivette Borynia Jastrzębie. Zawiercie is the town where start international cycle-racing: "4 Fiat Motor-car Poland Tigers", "Through Basin's Roads", "Polish Juniors Championships", "Polish Women Championships". Men's Polish teenagers’ representatives (e.g. Chech Republic, Finland) and women's (e.g. Yugoslavia) in football play during international meetings, which are held on that stadium. There meet the best dancing couples from Poland and abroad at Polish Opened Championships in Sports Dancing and All-Polish Dancing Tournament. Sports and Recreation Centre objects' are used by Zawiercie teenagers’. Instead, oldboys' football team "Stadium" takes part in Polish Championships every year. Contests of Zawiercie Football League "Friday" gather football sympathisers irrespective of year season. Polish Representation in hall football as well as Italian Representation played on that parquet floor. Ju-jitsu club is also active here, placing itself on medallic places at contests on all grades, as well as sports' acrobatics section.
There take place finals of following charity actions' editions of Festive Assistance Big Orchestra every year. At last edition in January Anita Lipnicka had a concert here.
In 1998 a modern indoor swimming-pool at Grammmar School No 3 was put to use. It gives possibilities of practising water sports and it is also used for handicapped people's rehabilitation. The swimming-pool has at its disposal sports and recreation base and biological regeneration rooms.
Sports hall, put to use in 2001, complies with requirements of Olympic objects and guests handball players from Viret Zawiercie club, which plays in Polish handball first league. Club was created in 1994 thanks to efforts made by physical culture animators and nowadays it is a picture of town's sport potential. Chairman of Club's Board is The President of Zawiercie - Ryszard Mach. In 1999 Viret team became the laureate of Silesian Cup and in 2002 it came fifth during International Silesian Cup. In 2001 it reached 1/8 of Polish Cup but it was defeated by Iskra Ceresit Kielce - supporter of club's title. Junior handball players' team, constituting Viret's base, takes part in contests of Inter-provincial League.


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